Holistic Evolution, Inc. (HE) is a nonprofit membership system in northwest Indiana. The HE system addresses the developmental needs of minority males in Northwest Indiana, by providing them with a mentor that has healthy beliefs and clear standards. HE is a leader in recruiting, screening, training, and engaging minority male mentors that we call Holistic Heroes, in evidence based mentoring processes. We address the severe shortfall of minority male mentors with a heart to impact the next generation. We are sought after by many community organizations that look to us to provide desperately needed and committed Holistic Heroes. Our Holistic Heroes are connected to our HE membership organizations where they are utilized as a valued resource. HE member organizations pay an annual fee to be a part of the HE community. HE member organizations serve minority young men between the ages of 16-24 yrs old through the HE system. The HE system consists of four components: Life coaching, male mentoring, resource connection, and a strength focused reward system.