"Eternal Journeys INDIA", is a name, for years now, in the Indian Tourism Industry to be reckoned with Complete Trust, Total Transparency, also carrying along lot of Competitiveness & Quality, in its' fold.The Business Horizon, at Eternal Journeys India, covers many aspects of Travel – Be it the Leisure Holidays (for Individuals or Groups, to anywhere in India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan & Sri Lanka), River Cruises, Aviation services (i.e. Chartered Aircrafts & Helicopters), and to a larger extent fulfilling the needs of Business Travel, all size Meetings & Conferences, with unique Incentives ideas.About the TEAM :The core Team at Eternal Journeys INDIA, comprises of professionals having exuberating Confidence, hands-on Experience, Expertise, Commitment, & Inclination, just to bring about the SUCCESS. Ever since our inception we are all aspiring to render; the Best Travel Options to our clients with Exclusivity & an Incredible Experience.We put our Success benchmarks on, Applying clear thoughts in any query, while bringing-in lot of Flexibility, Pragmatic Planning & a Proactive Approach.Prompt & detailed replies, Personal care & attention, Total value for money, are few aspects by virtue of which, we have earned that Trust & Confidence, to remain closely associated for years with our clients and overseas partners.