The Ryerson Law Network was founded in the 2015-2016 academic year, with the broader legal community's issues in mind, and students' best interests at heart. We set out to facilitate the practical skill development, the diversity of exposure, and the critical engagement with real world issues which distinguish student leaders from those of the real world. Throughout the year, we hold skill development workshops, socials, networking events, and a mock trial. With these targets we aim to give students a head start in discovering how they will generate value for their professional communities, and to leave all communities the benefit of more engaged students. In short, we are your partner in exploring the law and developing a legal network. Eventually, we hope to capitalize on Ryerson's appetite for innovation and take our mandate a step further.Explore, Enhance and Engage\E-Mail: rln@ryerson.caFacebook: @ryersonlawnetworkSnapchat: @ryelawnetworkAwards:- RSU Student Groups of the Year - 2nd place - 2019/2020- Campus Groups Fair Awards Most Engaging Group - 2nd Place 2015 - 2016- Best Professional Event of the 2016-2017 school year - New Student Group of the Year 2015-2016