Composite Research s.r.l. (CoRe) is a start-up company, founded in 2015 by a group of young Italian professionals, coming both from the technical (chemical and engineering) and the commercial (financial and communication) sectors. Driven by their curiosity on the world of materials and structural solutions, they decided to work together in order to turn a lab project into a business opportunity.\\Cooperation is CoRe's key word. In fact, the team's main objective is to work alongside prominent companies all over the world, in order to create new materials with unique features, able to overcome the limits of existing solutions. The interaction between CoRe's knowledge of materials and the entrepreneurs' expertise of their specific sector will finally result in the development of highly innovative industrial products, which can provide a remarkable competitive advantage to those who will invest in.\\In 2015, CoRe developed and patented a brand new material, called the MadFlex (Patent application n° TO2015A000061, PCT n° IB2016/050377), and started to introduce it to the market. Thanks to its highly innovative nature, the team was able to create fruitful collaborations with several Italian leading companies from different sectors (e.g. automotive, aerospace, building, orthopaedics) and it is now starting to lay the basis for a more international approach. In order to widening its scope, CoRe is actually looking for entering new markets, by attracting potential customers from all over the world. Corporate business strategy aims at making CoRe achieving excellence and at being a reference point in the field of R&D and of materials science and engineering, not only in Europe, but also abroad.