JSC "Leasing Group" has been operating in Kazakhstan's market since September, 2005. The main area of the company's operation is investing via financial leasing instruments. (hyperlinks to products) The direct investment fund "Aureos Central Asia Fund LLP" is the sole shareholder of the company. The company's has an authorized capital of KZT1,5 bln. As 1 of December 2009, the company has financed projects to the amount exceeding KZT2,5 bln. The following components ensure the efficiency of JSC "Leasing Gourp" projects: professionalism and practical experience of its staff; careful selection of suppliers (more than 50 companies) and highly qualified agents in the area of insurance and customs services; adaptive schemes used in optimization of leasing and factoring transactions; simple and efficient application procedures, individual customer approach, and project monitoring throughout the life of projects.