Evan Pascual

Communications and Public Information Specialist at National Solar Observatory - Boulder, Colorado, US

Evan Pascual's Contact Details
(303) 735-7365
Lahaina,Hawaii,United States
National Solar Observatory
Evan Pascual's Company Details
National Solar Observatory logo, National Solar Observatory contact details

National Solar Observatory

Boulder, Colorado, US • 133 Employees
Market Research

The mission of the National Solar Observatory is to advance knowledge of the Sun, both as an astronomical object and as the dominant external influence on Earth, by providing forefront observational opportunities to the research community. The mission includes the operation of cutting edge facilities, the continued development of advanced instrumentation both in-house and through partnerships, conducting solar research, and educational and public outreach. NSO accomplishes this mission by: 1. Providing leadership for the development of new ground-based facilities that support the scientific objectives of the solar and solar-terrestrial physics community; 2. Advancing solar instrumentation in collaboration with university researchers, industry, and other government laboratories; 3. Providing background synoptic observations that permit solar investigations from the ground and space to be placed in the context of the variable Sun; 4. Providing research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students, helping develop classroom activities, working with teachers, and mentoring high school students; 5. Innovative staff research. The National Solar Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, for the benefit of the astronomical community.

Astronomical Research
Details about National Solar Observatory
Frequently Asked Questions about Evan Pascual
Evan Pascual currently works for National Solar Observatory.
Evan Pascual's role at National Solar Observatory is Communications and Public Information Specialist.
Evan Pascual's email address is ***@nso.edu. To view Evan Pascual's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Evan Pascual works in the Market Research industry.
Evan Pascual's colleagues at National Solar Observatory are John Varsik, Timothy Purdy, Alisdair Davey, Han Uitenbroek, Bruce Smaga, Valentin Pillet, Andres Carcamo and others.
Evan Pascual's phone number is (303) 735-7365
See more information about Evan Pascual