At 1COACH, our goal is to help managers develop coaching skills via online or in-person learning opportunities.Find out more at See our online learning opportunities at the current focus is to offer online learning opportunities, past work included international consulting on an innovative health care project, coaching teams in the workplace, and facilitating workshops to develop coaching skills.Examples of past work:- Advisor to the Oliver Wyman consulting team working on the "Symphony Project" in South Somerset, U.K. Focus is on coaching Primary Care Clinic staff as they develop a more proactive model of care for their patients, supporting Health Coaches as they transition into this new role, and working closely with the Oliver Wyman and Symphony Project teams on the implementation of the large-scale project.- Supporting staff at Elementary/Middle School in Vermont by providing coaching services for teaching teams and individual teachers as they make progress towards work-related goals.- As part of the Annual VEHI June Institute, facilitated workshops on "The Power of Coaching" for Vermont Educators.