San Saba Royalty is an experienced and trusted purchaser of oil & gas mineral and royalty interests in Texas, Louisiana, and around the country. As a leader in its industry, San Saba Royalty has built a well-respected and efficient acquisition model that produces the best possible offers for clients looking to liquidate their mineral and royalty interests.COMPANY OVERVIEWCOMBINED INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE OF OVER 150 YEARSThe principals of San Saba Royalty consist of geologists and landmen that have a combined 150 years of petroleum industry experience. They individually began acquiring oil and gas assets in the late 1980s before forming San Saba Royalty in 2003.TOTAL ACQUISITIONS NOW CLOSE TO $400 MILLIONSince 2003, San Saba Royalty has grown to be one of the largest and most respected mineral and royalty buyers in the country with total acquisitions of over $500 million. Just in the last 3 years, San Saba Royalty has closed on nearly 1,400 acquisitions valued at nearly $200 million.SUSTAINED GROWTH IN SIZE AND SCOPEThe success of San Saba Royalty in Texas has allowed the company to expand its areas of acquisitions to include Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and other producing oil and gas regions throughout the country.HOW WE EVALUATEBefore mailing offers, we have our team of geologists and analysts evaluate industry trends in combination with public record information to determine the best prices for interests in the areas we cover. If you would like to have your ownership interest evaluated, fax (214-265-9703) or email ( us a recent itemized check detail which shows your decimal ownership along with a phone number which we can use to contact you. For mineral owners in areas currently not producing, we use an aggressive pricing matrix based on geographic location, the terms of your oil and gas lease, and trends in production.