Evren Yiğit Architects is an independent architecture firm that is commited to excellence in architecture, founded by Evren Yiğit in 2015, located in Ankara. Evren Yiğit Architects presents its clients with current, magnificent and timeless architecture. Since 2005 (Evren Yiğit was cofounder and partner in Turuncu Architecture Co. then), Evren Yiğit Architects has provided complete architectural services for a wide range of local and international clients. Evren Yiğit Architects has a wide range of projects, from large scale buildings to interiors. Evren Yiğit Architects has completed these various projects including institutional, residential and hospitality buildings throughout Turkey and abroad including Iraq, Afghanistan, Romania, Kyrgyzstan and Syria. This broad range of project experience adds to the quality service Evren Yiğit Architects provides. This quality service helps us maintain professional relationship established with our clients.* Evren Yiğit received her B.A. in Architecture from Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2001 and her Building Science, M.Sc. in Architecture from Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2005. Mrs. Yiğit is the design architect and project manager on projects with both public and private sector clients. She oversees and coordinates every phase of the project ensuring that it is brought in on-time and on-budget and serves as the primary client point-of-contact.