The firm of attorneys, Carter Smith Attorneys, was founded in May 2010.Ewan Carter Smith obtained his B.Com and LL.B. degrees from the University of Johannesburg (Rand Afrikaans University). He has been involved in various aspects of the law, including mergers and acquisitions, general litigation (including arbitration and alternative dispute resolution), insolvency, collections, labour and human resources, matrimonial and family law, tax, property, estate planning , administration of estates, drawing commercial contracts and specialized notarial bonds and contracts.In addition, Ewan Carter Smith is an experienced conveyancer with more than 14 years' experience as conveyancer and notary public.During 2013 Ewan Carter Smith was appointed as Curator of his very first patient and has since been appointed as Curator Bonis and Trustees in more than 160 Curatorship Estates and 50 disability trusts.Included in one of Ewan Carter Smith's most recent appointments is one of the largest ever medical negligence claims in the history of the South African Law.Each patient is allocated a dedicated case manager who attends to the patient's day to day financial needs. We are proud to announce that part of our team we have two full time accountants, a non-practising financial planner and auditor who sees to the day to day finances of each patient and their respective needs.We have also developed a structured and patient minded system to ensure that the patient's needs and attention to the patients is the foremost priority.We are also administering in excess of 30 estates at various stages of their involvement.In addition to all of the above, we also accept appointments in terms of the Mental Health Care Act, 17 of 2002 and if the need arise can assist as investigator upon approval and appointment by the Master ofthe High Court.