Ezat Wagdi

Producer and Storyteller at AJ+ - Washington, District of Columbia, US

Ezat Wagdi's Contact Details
+52 15564903089
Ezat Wagdi's Company Details
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Washington, District of Columbia, US • 836 Employees

AJ+ is growing. Are you in? Okay, you've made it to this page because you know exactly where you want to be next. Well, inventing the future of news media isn't easy and we need you to work with us. AJ+ is pretty simple: we're international, operating in three languages - English, Arabic and Spanish - and we want to tell compelling stories in innovative ways in a media landscape that is constantly changing. At AJ+, you not only get to work with journalists from around the world but you get the creative freedom to tell the stories that matter - to you and to the world.

Multilingual News Innovative Storytelling Digital Journalism Social Media Mobile News Video Journalism
Details about AJ+
Frequently Asked Questions about Ezat Wagdi
Ezat Wagdi currently works for AJ+.
Ezat Wagdi's role at AJ+ is Producer and Storyteller.
Ezat Wagdi's email address is ***@ajplus.net. To view Ezat Wagdi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ezat Wagdi works in the Movies industry.
Ezat Wagdi's colleagues at AJ+ are Omar Lakhal, Sarah Nasr, Ahmed Abdelaleim, Alejandra Arevalo, Paula Daibert, Sarah Nathan, Miranda Mann and others.
Ezat Wagdi's phone number is +52 15564903089
See more information about Ezat Wagdi