NORDA S.p.A. proposes itself as supplier of Systems for the Metal Forming, integrating machines, modern technologies and know-how, to get the best result for each Customer and to grant high levels of competition on a global Market. The 1970 was the beginning of the Automation and NORDA S.p.A. started producing automatic systems for the metal forming, immediately acquiring a prestigious position on the Market. The innovating and reliable products together with the cleverness and comprehension of the problems, the modern technology and the flexible solutions to every producing situation, allowed NORDA S.p.A. to become a reference point in the sector of automation in whole world. In 1991 NORDA joined AP&T group.ENTERPRISE IDEA- We Supply our Customers with Systems to improve their Competitiveness- High level machines and technologies and tailor-made solutions for any Customer- Never leave the Customer alone with a problem: it's also our problem- Training, both theory and practice, for the Customer's PersonnelOUR MARKETSNowadays NORDA S.p.A. is a growing company with over 8.000 equipment working in the five continents, with customers working whichever type of blank and whichever type of material such as sheet, stainless steel, aluminium: from small spoons to van components.