Fabio Panconi

Selezionatore at Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A - Santa Croce sull'Arno, Tuscany, Italy

Fabio Panconi's Contact Details
39 057 131393
Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A
Fabio Panconi's Company Details
Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A logo, Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A contact details

Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A

Santa Croce sull'Arno, Tuscany, Italy • 20 Employees

Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A. was founded in 1955 by Ivo Nuti in Santa Croce Sull'Arno, an area for centuries renowned for its tanning expertise. It is the leading company in the Nuti Group, from which all the other group tanneries were established over the years. At first, the tannery had only 15 employees and produced suede split skins for footwear, real innovation for that period when splits were considered a near-unusable sub-product. The entire production targets the national market, strongly expanding during the Italian economic boom. In the decades that followed, the company recorded strong, constant growth, transformed from a small tannery into a true point of reference in its industry. The registered office at Via San Tommaso 150, which is still home to Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A., has been gradually expanded as new industrial sheds and offices were built to meet the constantly increasing logistics, production and administrative needs.1970 saw the start of the specialisation in luxury leather goods, and since 1985 an increasingly greater percentage of production has been allocated to international markets.As a result of its technical and quality achievements, proven reliability and sound structure, Conceria Nuti Ivo became increasingly able to compete on the international market and now around 85% of its production is exported.

Details about Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A
Frequently Asked Questions about Fabio Panconi
Fabio Panconi currently works for Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A.
Fabio Panconi's role at Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A is Selezionatore.
Fabio Panconi's email address is ***@nutiivo.it. To view Fabio Panconi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Fabio Panconi works in the Textiles industry.
Fabio Panconi's colleagues at Conceria Nuti Ivo S.p.A are Rebecca Nuti, Laura Perez, Maicol Cavaleri, Giacomo Zito and others.
Fabio Panconi's phone number is 39 057 131393
See more information about Fabio Panconi