Launched in 2008, Drama Magazine has built a strong and unique identity. The initial idea was simple, to produce a magazine that combined the worlds of Fashion and Performance. Taking inspiration from Art, Film, Music and Theatre, the aim was to feature upcoming talents including Actors, Dancers, Musician's and Performer's and to show them in a modern yet timeless way. The end result was a beautifully printed and bound magazine with a refinement and sensibility not often seen. Drama Magazine has featured many talent's including Douglas Booth, Paloma Faith, Rufus Wainwright, Jamie Dornan, Roisin Murphy, The Royal Ballet, Sally Hawkins, Alexandra Roach, Ben Barnes, Tom Felton, Harry Lloyd, Eddie Redmayne and many many more. Like in any good play, Drama is split into acts. Act I will introduce you to the boldest new talents, the brightest stars in the fields of Music, Dance, Film and Theatre. Act II will feature the latest in Fashion, Beauty and Culture. During the Interlude travel your eye through a selection of photographs. Our third and final Act will tell indulgent tales to seduce and inspire. So please take a seat, it's time to lift the curtain and let the Drama begin… The Drama Team: FABRICE JACOBS Editor-in-Chief/Creative Director MAGDALENA MARCINIAK Fashion Director