Soleal Unternehmerkapital AG is unique in the Swiss market for Small and Medium sized Companies (so called "SMEs"). Soleal invests solely and exclusively the capital of its two founders, Karl Spielberger and Fabrice Nava. It buys majority stakes SMEs in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy, with the aim to further develop these companies with a long-term perspective. Target companies should have a healthy core with a sustainable business model, but may include "blemishes" such as for instance customer concentration risks, lack of growth, succession issues, etc. Typically, target companies have a volume of CHF 20 to 100 million in sales and are faced with the of succession issues, spin-offs or the sale of business units.The uniqueness of Soleal Unternehmerkapital AG? We are neither a financial investor nor a so-called family office. Rather we solely invest our own private funds. This allows for a very long-term holding period for investments with extremely fast decision-making, as the decision-makers are always deeply involved. This enables genuine entrepreneurial action. The time horizon for holding a participation is therefore unlimited in time. This long-term orientation is tailored towards the needs of SMEs and allows Soleal Unternehmerkapital AG make decisions and investments with a truly long-term perspective.The team of Soleal Unternehmerkapital AG has many years of experience in the purchase, development, consolidation and internationalization of companies in many industries.