Fabrice Yannick

Ingénieur hygiène sécurité environnement at ASPAC International - Sydney, NSW, AU

Fabrice Yannick's Colleagues at ASPAC International
Chidiebere Oradiegwu

Water/Waste Water Engineering and Construction

Contact Chidiebere Oradiegwu

Eugene Ngueute

Responsable étude projet OREPCA (Côte d'ivoire)

Contact Eugene Ngueute

Erick Korat

Assistant project Engineer

Contact Erick Korat

Davis Chesoli

Electro Mechanical Engineer

Contact Davis Chesoli

View All Fabrice Yannick's Colleagues
Fabrice Yannick's Contact Details
ASPAC International
Fabrice Yannick's Company Details
ASPAC International logo, ASPAC International contact details

ASPAC International

Sydney, NSW, AU • 100 - 249 Employees

ASPAC International is a Belgian EPC (Engineering - Procurement - Construction) contractor with extensive expertise in the water sector. We engineer and offer the following solutions to public utilities and private industries:• Drinking Water: from catchment all the way to service connections (including process/treatment + pumping + storage + distribution);• Waste (Resource) Water: from collection to discharge (including process/treatment and pumping), and transformation into fertilizer and energy;• Reduction of NRW (Non Revenue Water): to increase the revenues from the distribution of drinking water (reduction and control of commercial and physical losses).ASPAC delivers Special Engineering Projects (SEP) to improve the performances of its clients and to meet their particular requirements. These SEP's includes:• Production of chlorine through electrolysis of ordinary salt;• Specifically engineered treatment processes (e.g. high iron content removal from raw water);• Equipment intelligent condition monitoring and control systems (ASPAC Live);• Desalination of sea and brackish water.ASPAC is active worldwide and employs a multicultural workforce of highly trained women and men. These professionals all possess a strong work ethic and timely deliver high quality engineering to our clients.ASPAC is committed to a better environment and strictly respects international and local environmental standards. As an environmentally responsible company, ASPAC develops and applies internal measures to also contribute to the global efforts to limit the impact of human activities engendered pollution on the public health.ASPAC is, and remains, a proud signatory of the Sustainable Development Goals Belgian Charter.

water treatment Wasterwater Water Industrial water Drinking water Construction Water Treatment Financing Rehabilitation Engineering Procurement Non-revenue Water Intelligent Monitoring Electro-chlorination ASPAC Live ASPAC Mediklor Waste water Environment Fresh water Desalination Electrolysis Sustainable Development Goal
Details about ASPAC International
Frequently Asked Questions about Fabrice Yannick
Fabrice Yannick currently works for ASPAC International.
Fabrice Yannick's role at ASPAC International is Ingénieur hygiène sécurité environnement.
Fabrice Yannick's email address is ***@aspacintl.com. To view Fabrice Yannick's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Fabrice Yannick works in the Semiconductors industry.
Fabrice Yannick's colleagues at ASPAC International are Tcheteua Rominique, Chidiebere Oradiegwu, Eugene Ngueute, Erick Korat, Jean Bessala, Davis Chesoli, Galbraith Tiegom and others.
Fabrice Yannick's phone number is
See more information about Fabrice Yannick