Assistant Manager at IdScore PEFINDO Biro Kredit - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia
Senior Vice President - Head of Human Capital & Support Services
PEFINDO Credit Bureau also known as IdScore is the pioneer of private credit bureaus in Indonesia. IdScore is a Credit Information Management Institution (LPIP) or Private Credit Bureau as per Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulation no. 42 / POJK.03 / 2019 concerning Credit Information Management Institutions and Indonesia Central Bank's Circular Letter No. 15/49/DPKL concerning Lembaga Pengelola Informasi Perkreditan (Credit Bureau).IdScore help you in managing credit risks more accurately, while at the same time, utilizing the potential of new business development that has not been fully explored yet, by giving credit information service based on comprehensive data, such as the profile and character of debtors, credit scores, historical credit reports and risk level, all derived from credit data and non-credit data. Our products help you in understanding potential debtors with predictive credit scores to reach higher opportunities with lower credit risk. We offer you a complete picture of debtors so that decision making can be done quickly, carefully without hesitation. IdScore can also be used as a reflection of self financial reputation that can support you in realizing various wishes. Find out more about our services on idscore.idIdScore - Data. Insight. Moves You Forward