Since 2015, we have been helping startup's with our consulting and advisory services with our headquarter in Hong Kong and with clients across the globe.Currently operation in North America, APAC and EMEA regionsOur principals bring more than 30+ years of experience across the Information Technology, Banking, and Consulting industries.We created our own community of more than 5,000 members interested in the industrial revolution 4.0 (blockchain, AI, ML, and IoT) and how smart startup's can utilize the technologies to revolutionize the ways we solve our everyday challenges.For more information please contact us at the following emails:advisory@levelsventures.comOur Services:> General Management Consulting > Incubator On Demand> Investment Readiness> Pricing Strategies> Sales and Marketing Strategies> Contracts Negotiation> Business Model Stress Test> Pre Money Valuation> Mentorship> Public Speaking>Fintech and Blockchain Consulting ( Business, Marketing, and Legal) >DeFi Consulting> NFT Consulting Our Clients :[1] Startup's at all stages[2] Government funded Incubator/ Accelerators[3] Privately funded Incubator/ Accelerator[4] Private equity firms/ Family offices who are investing in tech startup's.[5] Service providers who provide services to the tech startup's space[6] IT Vendors, Distributors, and Channel PartnersWe are looking forward to partnering with you in your success journey