SharpMinds Tutoring Inc. is a dynamic tutoring company offering high school credit courses and one-on-one tutoring services for K-12 students. SharpMinds employs today's brightest educators to help students excel in a wide variety of subjects. At SharpMinds we provide your family with individual attention, support, service and results! Our high quality tutoring services are highly personalized, convenient and affordable. Through our vast database, we are able to match your child's specific educational needs with one of our superb educational specialists.Our teaching philosophy is based upon a firm belief that every child can succeed at school, given the proper encouragement, motivation and tools. We believe that a tutor's most important job is to listen and observe how your child works and learns, and then provide each student with strategies to work and learn more effectively. Our aim is to reach underachieving students as early as possible and teach them effective and lifelong learning strategies and problem solving skills. This will begin a cycle of confidence, motivation, and academic success that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.