Started in 2010, NGO FUNDS INDIA(NFI) is one of the largest NGO and CSR support organisation in India. NFI helps in in organisations growth, networking and Fundraising. NFI has network of more than 1000 NGOs across India. NFI is connecting NGOs to CSR and Donors and Vice Versa. NFI builds capacity and network of NGOs and CSR for long term growth and Fundraising. We also help in registration for NGOs/ trust/ Section 8 Company, 12A, 80G, FCRA, Audit Works, Annual Reports filings, Website design and development, Digital marketing, etc.OUR SERVICES :1. NETWORKING CLUB for NGOs/CSR2. FUNDS/GRANTS RELATED3. JOB RELATED 4. EVENTS RELATED5. DOCUMENTATION SUPPORT SERVICES6. NETWORKING AND LIASION7. TRAVEL REAL INDIA PROGRAM (TRIP)