Malayalam Group started its journey in 2011 as an authorized dealer of Ashok Leyland. The first show room for Malayalam Motors was inaugurated at Edappally, Ernakulam. Currently we have show rooms for Ashok Leyland at Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Kunnamkulam & Mannarkkad. Later Malayalam Group became the dealer of Skoda Auto and TATA Motors. The showroom for Malayalam Skoda was started at Chakkai Jn, Trivandrum. And Malayalam Vehicles, is the authorized dealer for Tata motors was opened at cochin. Malayalam Vehicles have Sales outlets at Aluva, Vyttila, Paravur, Muvattupuzha ,Koothattukulam and Kattappana. Service facilities at Vazhakkala and Muvattupuzha.In its journey, the Malayalam Group also acquired the food and beverages business Moksha Foods & Beverages Pvt Ltd Under the brand name Mr. Butlers, that manufactures Fruit Spreads, Jams, Sauces, Squashes, ready to drink juice, soft drink concentrates and much more. The manufacturing factory for Mr.Butlers is set up in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.