The heat-treatment service started as a part of Smit Ovens in Nijmegen. The thought behind this service was to support the sales of low- and mid-frequency heat-treatment appliances with a demonstration to the customer. Later the service in the form of heat-treatments was added to the scope of work.Sales of the above mentioned appliances was discontinued, mostly because the added value was too small. The heat-treatment service as service provider of heat-treatments was continued as a part of Smit Ovens.In 1989 Mr. A. Goossens, then employee at Smit Ovens within the heat-treatment service, decided to take over this department and make it a private company named Smit Gloeidienst B.V.The same location in Nijmegen was kept in use.On June the 11th 1993 the new building at the Havenlaan 16 in Katwijk (Cuijk) was put into use. There are 25 employees now working at the company and on service locations. This makes it possible to fulfill almost every project, despite its size. New (technical) developments within the market are followed conscientiously in order to stay ahead of the competition.For every situation the right Heat-Treatment At the Smit Gloeidienst plant, heat-treatments are performed in the area of normalising, structure improvement or stress-relieving. Also heat-treatments are performed in relation to on- or off shrinking of construction parts, as well as drying of parts, lacier coatings, concrete and resin. Even heat treatments in a gas-protected environment can be executed.Area's of operationThe area's in which Smit Gloeidienst operates are:* petro chemical industry and refineries* manufacturers of machinery- and appliances * shipyards* (nuclear) power plants* construction company's* as part of product development* as part of production processes* oil- and gas industry* piping* drying of coatings and brickwork* pre- stressing: i.e. fluid- gas pipelines* off shore