ITS for Road has been applied by EU Member States with great success since decades as a necessary mean to alleviate problems caused by an increasing demand for road transport. The EU ITS Platform (EU EIP) is the place where National Ministries, Road Authorities, Road Operators and partners from the private and public sectors of almost all EU Member States and neighboring countries, cooperate in order to foster, accelerate and optimize current and future ITS deployments in Europe in a harmonized way. In order to foster cooperation and the necessary consensus between EU Member States, the EU ITS Platform will facilitate the establishment of a commonly understood state of the art and promoting the actual take-up of EU specifications, guidelines, best practices and/or methodologies.The "EU ITS Platform" (EU EIP) is the follow up of projects already supported by the European Commission TEN-T programme named: "European ITS Platform" (2013-2015) and "European ITS Platform+" (2014-2015).The "EU ITS Platform" brings together the majority of the European key players, cooperating to establish an open "forum", aiming at providing valid contribution for the future strategy and policy recommendation for better development of ITS service along European road Corridors.By monitoring, processing, evaluating and disseminating results delivered by the 5 ITS Road Corridor projects: Arc Atlantique2, Crocodile2, NEXT-ITS2, MedTIS2, and URSA MAJOR2 (the Works projects that are co-founded by EC within the CEF MAP ITS Call 2014), the EU ITS Platform can be considered as the technical European ITS "Knowledge Management Centre", contributing significantly to the most effective use of ITS standards and specifications.The EU ITS Platform includes also the evaluation of the results provided by the 5 ITS Corridor Work projects in order to consolidate a harmonized and substantiated impact evaluation of the socio-economic benefits of ITS services.