n 2004, I, Ivette Cortiella had a dream and my dream was to make a huge difference in our nation through health and fitness starting at an early age. I developed the Little Kickers (children) and Teen Home Fitness programs in a DVD version, which combats the growing epidemic of childhood obesity. My goal with Superfits® is to provide parents and children with a proven regimen of healthy eating, rewarding and fun exercises all in the comforts of their own home.These fitness packages will establish habits for the whole family that will produce lifetime results. My target... "World Wide". We are very honored to announce that the Little Kickers & Teen Heat Fitness DVD Packages is a proud winner of the 2006 Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award, the only award to ever be honored in four categories by Disney.com. "We did it, and we are very proud of it". Everything is private labeled. I created vitamin line, nutritional bars and specially made shakes just for kids and most importantly a fitness DVD collection. I designed and brought to life a Mascot "Healthy Harry" that has captured many children's hearts. "Healthy Harry" plays a very important role where he represents Childrens Health and Wellness throughout America. I have successfully transformed over 1,000 children throughout the US so far and still counting. I have proven success stories with before and after picture that will blow you away. I will never give up in trying to help our children, our future!