BD Assistant is such kind of digital platform where all services are available under an umbrella.When we need a service immediately, we become restless. How to find the service provider? Will he provide good service? He won't cheat me. Would he? When we need more than one service at a time, the problem becomes trouble. In the case of your office needs services, often you don't seem to find a quality service provider nearby. has combined all the service together, to solve all your problems. We are working for saving your money, your effort, above all, saving your valuable time. Starting from computer servicing, we are providing all your Home appliances services, cleaning services, Event management services, Home delivery services etc. Get all these services from your home's comfort. Our door to door service gets you an affordable price and a quality service. We make services so simple that you are just one phone call away from getting the best services in Town.Visit: +8800170339956