ARMAN BEHBOUD Company was established in 2007 as an importer and distributor of cosmetics, hygienic and medical equipments.The company's objective is to fulfill the physician's patients , hospitals and other medical service centers requirements.This company doing precise research and investigations could purchase most unique cosmetics, hygienic and medical equipments from top distinguished European Manufacturers and giving them out to the people requesting.We gained a huge experience for several years co-operation and assistance with some well-known international companies in field of imports and distribution of medical , cosmetics and hygienic products.It is worthy to mention that we set up a specialist team include of high-qualified physicians & surgeons well , experienced nurses , as well as educated marketers to promote and develop The presentations ,marketing and sell of products in ranges of hospitals, medical centers, physicians and other concerned medical and physical centers.We exclusively , force our activities on present and scientific introduce of products in wide range of territory of Iran and The middle east. We also seek to get authority from our suppliers to expand our activities to neighborhoods state like IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN, UAE, central Asia states to find a good potential markets in the region.ARMAN BEHBOUD , has 3 separate departments which are active in medical, hygienic and cosmetics fields.The well experienced group of marketers, visit the concerned hospitals, physicians, and specialists and established a reasonable relation among them to better presentation and sell fields for products.We also have a distribute group that cooperated with two major distributor companies to promote and develop the sells markets at Tehran and all territory corners in IRAN.ARMAN BEHBOUD is the exclusive agent of some European and Asian and Australian international manufacturers of cosmetics, hygienic and medical equipmentsThe most important equipment that this company has provided so far includes:1-Cardiomed for dialysis patient (Permanent Catheter) from Canada.2-ARGON Medical Co (Intervention products) from US.3- Epimed Co ( Pain Manegement) from US.4-ThermaSolutions CO (HIPEC System )from US.5-FORNIA Co (PCA Pump) from China.Also we are looking for new consumer products to make our range of products more complete.ARMAN BEHBOUD enjoying a scientific and precise management is pleased to deal out appropriate and the best cosmetics, hygienic and medical equipment to the requesting people at the most efficient and economical prices.