Tradeconnex is a Trading Company specialized in the Plastics Market. The company has worked for two years focused in the Scraps & Recycled Plastics Market. Throught it, the company has got relationshipment and network of negotation of this Resins Market in all the five continents. From some analysis of the market, it has developed a commercial relationship with various suppliers of Prime materials in the USA. The company has started its sells enjoying a good number of customers and database, it was planned to focus not only in Europe, but also in Latin America with the Brazilian Market inside of it. The way that Tradeconnex sees this big market for plastics resins is the best possible, specially in opportunities and fastness to develop new business. The economic conjucture is often favourable for the importation of resins from the USA, Asia or Middle East. The company also helps watching on these opportunities, informing the customers and giving structure for the customers that are interested in more details about the markets and products.