Deputymayor at Municipality of Kamenica - Kamenice, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
\\The exact time of Kamenica's establishment as a settlement is unknown, but it should be at least since the Middle Ages. This is mentioned in the book of debtors of Mikel Llukar in the 30s of the 15th century, named Chameniza, then also in the Turkish defters 1455. Depending on the organization of former Yugoslavia, it was often a municipality, but was often treated as a municipality of Gjilan / Gnjilane. In 1952, from the Gjilan / Gnjilane region, three districts were formed: Gjilan, Kamenica and Vitia. In 1959 when the districts were transformed, Kamenica became an independent municipality, as an equal unit with other municipalities in the country. With the decentralization process, 18 villages have been disconnected from the municipality of Kamenica. Of the 13 villages, a new municipality of Ranilug / Ranillug was established in 2010, and 5 villages joined the municipality of Novobërdë / Novo Brdo.\