FZY is the oldest and largest Zionist youth organisation in the United Kingdom, acting as an incubator for young leadership for 12-25 year olds. The organisation is largely peer-run by sabbatical workers, supported by a full-time administrative staff, and national executive board of elected volunteers. FZY has a long and distinguished history, counting a former Israeli president and Foreign Minister as graduates. The movement has three offices in the UK and Israel, which oversee a membership of 2000 young people. FZY is partnered with Young Judaea in the United States and Israel and the Scout movement in Israel In the last decade FZY has take over 5000 young British Jews to Israel. FZY runs summer camps, tours in Israel and a gap year programme, training student volunteers to lead these activities. Each student undergoes an intensive leadership training scheme before taking responsibility for the welfare, education and entertainment of young people. FZY campaigns vigorously for the release of Missing in Action soldiers, raising awareness of Gilad's Shalit's struggle before his eventual release. FZY is proud to be supported by the UJIA and raises money to support the Ethiopian Bar and Bat Mitzvah project.