FedCocktail was created to provide a forum for businesses and professionals engaged in providing goods and services to federal, state, and local county/municipalities. Here you can spot teaming opportunities meet with others who are engaged in similar practice and exchange core capabilities and get to know others secret to success. Contracting is a complex world where who you know matters. FedCocktail connects help you connect with many others while helping local charities with there missions. 10% of all collected revenues are donated to local charities. Becoming a sponsor is easy. FedCocktail in past has partnered with organizations like DiverseCEO, REGA Solutions and others. FedCocktail allows you to mingle in non business atmosphere while building your Rolodex. Group discussions will include sharing new insights, best practices, and participant experiences in government contracting.Each month we will come together to network, discuss issues and occasionally hear from invited guests.Come prepared to swap business cards and network, network, network.