The Marflex is one of the most respected companies in the aftermarket auto parts of Brazil. Located in São Paulo, capital, has more than 300 employees and industrial park of more than 9,000 square meters. Our products are manufactured according to the original factory, in production processes guided by the highest cutting-edge technology. We also manufacture tools using CNC machines and Cad/Cam systems, thus minimize our time and simulate our products still in design phase. Our range of parts includes cables, distributor caps, rotors and condensers, oil ignition coils, ignition coils, plastic light switches, brake light switches, oil pressure switches, brake alarms, temperature sensors, horn relays, auxiliary relays, flasher relays, fuse boxes, switches, universal switches, switches, cables, light General silicone candle, starting buttons and horn buttons. We have a network of more than 20 representatives readily prepared throughout the Brazil. When you're performing automotive spare parts, demand products, Marflex to ensure the long life of your car.