Co-Founder & Director of Grants and Scholarships at Tekchills Foundation - Accra, N/A, GH
TEKCHILLS Foundation is a licensed not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Companies Act 179,1963 (Now Act 992, 2019) of the Republic of Ghana with the sole aim of empowering underserved, deprived, and rural communities across Ghana in breaking the cycle of poverty, inferiority and illiteracy.To achieve this, the Foundation wish to work in partnership with international organizations to;Harness the needed resources to meet the identified needs and priorities in these communities.Develop the skills they need to make long-term positive changes.OUR MISSION1. To create an enabling environment of growth for marginalized communities and enable every child to reach their full potentials.2. To inspire people to take action to change their communities by maximizing the impact of donor contributions in supporting communities.TEKCHILLS will fulfil its mission by;Ensuring access to quality education is relayed out to all individuals living in deprived communities. TEKCHILLS will help by training teachers, building new schools, libraries, ICT Labs, and breaking down barriers that prevent many children and girls in particular from attending school and staying in school.Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. TEKCHILLS will help communities to build health clinics, train health care workers and invest in equipment and medicine, so children can grow up healthy and strong.Providing clean, safe, and accessible water as well as improving the sanitation of communities. TEKCHILLS will work with communities to build school latrines, community water points and help to establish community focused groups to ensure the continued management and maintenance of water points.Providing youths in underserved communities with life skills in order to ensure economic security. TEKCHILLS will work to overcome poverty by training youths in deprived communities to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to secure a livelihood, and support their families.Providing funds and tools to deprived communities to venture into agriculture in order to reduce hunger and eradicate poverty.Paying attention to the needs of marginalized populations (people with disabilities). TEKCHILLS will give wheelchairs and other amenities to this target group of people.