No matter how you earn your money, managing your personal wealth is a job unto itself. At least, that's the way we look at it. Transactions do not exist in a vacuum. Each financial decision you make impacts other aspects of your financial life. Investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, or real estate, while also saving for retirement or college affects your tax obligations, insurance needs, risk exposure, and estate planning.Understanding these interdependent relationships is the first step toward comprehensive financial planning. To build real wealth, you need to maximize what comes in and minimize what goes out. At Fuller & Company, we take a 360º approach to your financial well-being. By combining the experience of Certified Financial Planning with professional tax planning and preparation, we can advise and execute a total growth strategy for your personal wealth. It's the kind of financial stewardship utilized in business. Maybe it's the kind you should expect for the business of life. Are you ready for a personal CFO?