Product Data Exchange Simple (xyxle is a Platform as a Service = PaaS) All product related information is now one link away. Organize, store and exchange digital information needed for sales and marketing partners, for local or worldwide business.xyxle guarantees up to date and accurate product information at any point along the distribution chain. With xyxle you add the knowledge chain to the supply chain. It's easy to manage, upgrade and share; thanks to server based cloud technology.xyxle offers a solution that is simple, easy to learn and condensed, too: One company. One link. One format. Generate Product Data, update and share it, has never been easier. It also allows a clear cut between data that has to stay in-house (i.e. those famous recipes) versus data that needs to be shared with the trade.xyxle's platform is designed to grow in different direction: Different industries, different languages, different IN and OUT tools. Easy to use and sophisticated features are in place. xyxle renders service to various companies large and small.