The Vision of the Institute for Christian Impact (ICI) is to see the Church in Africa engaging biblically and effectively with the complex realities of the African context. It exists to mentor and equip leaders to meet the needs and challenges of the growing Church in Africa and to meaningfully bear effective witness by integrating Faith and Life.ETHOSThe ethos of the Institute is Biblical, Evangelical, Interdenominational and Contextually Relevant. The Institute is neither be a Church nor host a congregation as Church but be a service to people from diverse churches / denominations. It seeks to work in partnership with various church institutions with similar vision, ethics and ethos but shall not structurally align with any denomination or Church as a primary partner.METHODOLOGYThe Institute initiates conversations, seminars and public lectures in various aspects of its mission. It shall not only bring people to the Institute but also to take the Institute and its resources to people where they are (Church retreats, conferences, Mission programmes etc.). It also nurtures a network and culture of accountability amongst participants – through local circles of accountability-for lasting impact. The Institute shall likewise take an African perspective on issues of the Gospel, Mission and life in the Public Arena to other parts of the World.PRIMARY AUDIENCE OF ENGAGEMENTThe primary audience of engagement are young professionals, lay persons and youth within Africa, beginning with those in the West African sub-region. As a pioneer nation both in missionary endeavor and political independence, Ghana where we are based is strategically located as a hub of hope for all its neighbouring countries. In terms of Missionary engagement related to development and wholeness of life, the Franco-phone neighbouring countries to Ghana are the most neglected. The Institute is intentionally engaging inclusively with all West African countries. In pursuit of J.E.K. Aggrey of Gha