We are a part of FreakOut Group which is global marketing technology company expanding in the Asian market. Our global head office is based in Singapore / Japan, and we have branch offices in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Korea apart from China.■关于FreakOut集团2011年,FreakOut开发了全日本首个DSP,开始发展市场营销业务。2014年开发并开始提供DMP和Native Ad服务,同年6月在日本东京证券交易所上市。创立至今的第十年,FreakOut集团在东京·大阪以外,在10多个国家/地区(中国,日本,韩国,台湾,菲律宾,泰国,越南,马来西亚,新加坡,印度尼西亚,印度等)开展业务,旗下有超过25家企业,600人以上员工。■业务范围为您在亚洲范围内的市场营销提供综合支持FreakOut China作为广告代理商,主要业务是对中国游戏企业在日本及台湾为中心的亚洲各国开展的市场营销策略提供综合支持。从Online到Offline,从UA到Branding以及创意素材制作等各项业务,当地的专业团队将结合您的需求,为您制作和执行精准的市场营销计划。[History of FreakOut]2010 - Founded in Japan2011 - DSP "FreakOut", the 1st and largest DSP in Japan2012 - 1st Party Private DMP "Mother" 2013 - 3rd Party Public DMP "AudienceSearch", the largest DMP in Japan2014 - IPO in Tokyo Stock Exchange2014 - Native Ad Platform "Hike", the 1st and largest Native Ad Platform in SEA2016 - Mobile DSP "Red", exclusively RTB private deal with LINE2016 - Taxi Digital Signage "IRIS"2017 - Hyper Location Ads Platform "ASE"2018 - Opened branch office in Shanghai, China