Fereshteh Zakeri

Care Coordinator at Amplio Recruiting - North Druid Hills, GA, US

Fereshteh Zakeri's Contact Details
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Amplio Recruiting
Fereshteh Zakeri's Company Details
Amplio Recruiting logo, Amplio Recruiting contact details

Amplio Recruiting

North Druid Hills, GA, US • 10 - 19 Employees

We are staffing companies with the talented refugee workforce. Recruiting can be difficult for so many businesses looking for legal and loyal employees. Refugees resettled in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Raleigh and London from all over the world are looking for great companies they can begin their new lives with. Many refugees have valuable experience in various fields along with graduate level degrees and had to flee their home country due to violence and hostility. Many refugees are proficient in English and are eager to work to provide for their families. We work with area non-profits to match members of the talented refugee workforce with growing companies. Text REFUGEE to 444999 to receive updates and learn how you can stand with the refugee workforce.

Atlanta Recruiting Staffing Atlanta Atlanta Staffing Agency Refugee Staffing Houston Recruiting Dallas Recruiting Raleigh Recruiting Staffing Agency
Details about Amplio Recruiting
Frequently Asked Questions about Fereshteh Zakeri
Fereshteh Zakeri currently works for Amplio Recruiting.
Fereshteh Zakeri's role at Amplio Recruiting is Care Coordinator.
Fereshteh Zakeri's email address is ***@ampliorecruiting.com. To view Fereshteh Zakeri's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Fereshteh Zakeri works in the Staffing industry.
Fereshteh Zakeri's colleagues at Amplio Recruiting are Abby Davis, Courtney Lauffenburger, Katie Gibson, Ken Bresser, Jessica Hoist, Andy Christensen, Ethan Campbell and others.
Fereshteh Zakeri's phone number is 470-588-0400
See more information about Fereshteh Zakeri