CYE Petrol- Bunkerage Survey on the istanbul Bosphorus at CYE Petrol Tic. A. Ş. - İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
CYE Petrol is a quality oriented physical bunker supplier in Istanbul, Turkey. It is the oldest bunker company in Turkey established in 1988, which acts as physical bunker supplier only. Quality, quantity and price of bunker products have always been the main concerns between physical bunker suppliers and ship owners.CYE Petrol provides best bunker quality for our customers at competitive market price. Invested in order to terminate the ship-owners worries about bunkering. All of our bunker products have met applicable safety requirements and quality standards according to ISO 8217:2012 (E).CYE Petrol is;- supplying with new generation double hull bunker barges, - using MARPOL ANNEX VI supply procedures, sampling & documentation since 2005, - guaranteeing ISO 8217:2012(E) for all kind and grades of bunker fuel, - giving 90 days (min) for quality claims, - using certified EMERSON CORIOLIS MASS FLOW METERS voluntarily in bunker supplies.CYE Petrol is the only Physical Bunker Supplier (Turkish Ports, Black Sea Ports and Europe) who is offering all these quality services together.In July 2015, CYE Petrol was the most efficient 31st company in Turkey.In September 2015, CYE Petrol was honored with "The Best Bunker Company in Turkey" award in "Golden Anchor Awards".