Fernanda Trujillo

Controller at Horticultural Alliance, Inc. - Sarasota, FL, US

Fernanda Trujillo's Contact Details
Horticultural Alliance, Inc.
Fernanda Trujillo's Company Details
Horticultural Alliance, Inc. logo, Horticultural Alliance, Inc. contact details

Horticultural Alliance, Inc.

Sarasota, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The founder and owner of Horticultural Alliance has been developing products for the horticultural industry since 1980. In recent years, he has traveled to China, Jordan, Central and South America, and throughout Europe establishing distributors, servicing customers and attending workshops and seminars on mycorrhizal fungus inoculants. The company's goals are to produce complete products that are environmentally sound and economically sensible for both commercial and residential applications. We are privileged to have as business partners commercial landscape contractors that use this product on every tree and shrub that they plant regardless if required by the landscape architect. This is very convincing evidence that the product provides exceptional value to the commercial professional, that understands a lush, quickly established landscape; requiring less maintenance and attention, is cost effective for business and builds a reputation of benefit to offer his/her customers. Long time customers realize that using this valuable tool when transplant trees and shrubs is the lowest cost way to do their job. Everything is relative - if you can spend $5-$10 to get a $300-$500 tree to take off like there's no tomorrow - the only cost is the cost of not using the product. And that can be EXPENSIVE.

Diehard Transplant for planting treese Diehard Injectable for streesed trees Diehard Flowerbed for maximum color in flowers Horta Sorb gel polymer for water retention Biostimulants Soil Amendments Water Management Gels Mycorrhizal Fungi Products Diehard Transplant for planting trees Diehard Injectable for stressed trees Diehard Flowerbed for max bloom color HortaSorb gel polymers BioTech/Drugs Commercial Physical Research Biotechnology
Details about Horticultural Alliance, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Fernanda Trujillo
Fernanda Trujillo currently works for Horticultural Alliance; Inc.
Fernanda Trujillo's role at Horticultural Alliance; Inc is Controller.
Fernanda Trujillo's email address is ***@horticulturalalliance.com. To view Fernanda Trujillo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Fernanda Trujillo works in the Biotechnology industry.
Fernanda Trujillo's colleagues at Horticultural Alliance, Inc. are Audrey WilliamsWorrell, Gursharan Mann, Rohit Gawade, Johl Stewart, Elaine Quinn, JAMES QUINN and others.
Fernanda Trujillo's phone number is 941-739-9121
See more information about Fernanda Trujillo