Chief Investment Officer at FCL Capital - Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
FCL Capital, a long term oriented, value focused, global investment holding company specialized in searching for deep value, unconventional and asymmetric risk/return investment opportunities.FCL is proud to have an "out of the box" investment philosophy, with a longer time frame and a willingness to hold unloved investments.We believe in value, in buying exceptional business at discounted prices, in thinking "beyond conventional wisdom" while looking for negleted and unconventional investments and unlocking value through a superior analytical framework , with a disregard for consensus and popular opinions.Our first investment platform was Clube Investimentos FCL Capital, back in 2007, which was converted in a brazil based equity fund in 2012, with the mission to investment in brazilian small cap companies in the Bovespa stock exchange. With the success of this investment program, that throughout its life outperformed most equity benchmarks and generated significant alpha for its investors, FCL decided to adopt a new strategy and divide the fund in two new platforms: a brazil based global equity fund with the mission to invest in companies across the globe that might benefit from the rise of the BRICs and a multimarket fund with tight risk control and higher liquidity for more conservative investors.FCL takes a holistic approach and while it dedicates most of its time to bottom up analysis, it also is a devoted observer of macro trends and events. We look forward to our new chapter and adopt a global investing perspective with a BRICs base.