International Territory manager at Checkmate Geosynthetics Inc. - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Checkmate Geosynthetics is a global organization headquatered in Vancouver, Canada, with manufacturing, logistics and QA/QC facilities in Asia as well as distribution covering the Middle East, India, China, North America and parts of South America and Europe. Our several well known brands of geogrids assist in solving civil engineering challenges such as soft soil conditions, grade separations and increase the longevity of infrastructure projects as well as allowing commercial, industrial and residential construction on sites previously thought of as too steep or with less than favorable soils conditions.Checkmates Major Brands Include:FlexGrid; which is a warp knit PVC coast polyester geogrid and is primarily used for retaining wall reinforcement and base reinforcement applications. RigidGrid; which is a punched and drawn polypropylene geogrid used primarily for base reinforcement applications. RoadGrid; which is a firbreglass geogrid used between the level coat and finish coat of pavement to reduce reflective cracking and rutting.TriGrid; which is our composite polypropylene coated polyester geogrid used for base reinforcement. More detailed information may be found on our website www.checkmategeogrid.comCheckmate has staff engineers and technical sales staff to assist you in the design solutions of any project challenges you may have.