IPOsystem is the world's first autonomous decision-making system that manages any production independently, without the participation of planners. It is an innovative Industrial 4.0 solution that uses narrow artificial intelligence to organize the work of people and machines. The main goal of the system is to manage resources so that production orders can be completed at the desired time with maximum use of the available time of employees for production activities. Decisions on the order of realization of tasks are made in real-time, without human involvement and the necessity of scheduling, taking into account the availability of resources and deadlines for the realization of orders. Each employee, within a few seconds from logging on to the system, receives an order to carry out an activity that is optimal for the given moment. This way managers and planners save 70% of their time, and instead of planning, they can focus on controlling team performance, solving technological problems, and improving production processes. The IPOsystem has already been deployed at 40 production sites, each generating a minimum of 15-30% productivity increase one year after start-up.