Board Member at Solidarity Action day Movement in Europe (SAME) - Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
SAME stands for ‘Solidarity Action day Movement in Europe'. This movement includes several European organizations that carry out an annual Solidarity Action Day. During this day, pupils get the chance to exercise a job of their choice instead of going to school. Their salaries are used to support youth-related projects in the whole world. VisionAs active citizens, young people act in solidarity with their peers and stand up for democracy, equity, human rights and intercultural understanding.MissionSolidarity Action Day Movement in Europe (SAME) empowers young people to make their voices heard. We believe in the power of youth and encourage them to become a driver of societal change in their local and global community.As a movement of young people, we spread the idea and concept of the Solidarity Action Day and support new Solidarity Action Day initiatives. SAME builds a strong network of partners which strengthen each other in their mission through intercultural exchange and by sharing their expertise. We offer learning possibilities, informal and non-formal education and are continuously learning ourselves. Throughout our work, we act in a sustainable way.SAME empowers young people to get informed, take a stand and act.Our Member Organisations:· Asocijacija srednjoškolaca u Bosni i Hercegovini - Bosnia and Herzegovina· Operasjon Dagsverk - Norway· Operation Dagsværk - Denmark· Operation Daywork - Italy· Schüler Helfen Leben - Germany· Social Day - Italy· Unija srednjoškolaca Crne Gore - Montenegro· Unija srednjoškolaca Srbije - Serbia· Youth for Change and Action - Belgium