We at Adnet focus on developing systems for modelling, monitoring and controlling networks, as well as turnkey engineering. Cooperating with major partners, we developed tools that are considered the best in their field.NetVision is our longest standing product: a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system deployed in numerous South East European locations. Most notably, the software is deployed at the Croatian electricity hub, the National Dispatching Centre (NDC). There we have an IEC-based SCADA, History RDB, EMS, DS, GMS... In addition to electricity networks, we support gas, oil and water networks.Energy supply is being liberalised throughout Europe - a profitable opportunity that requires an effective Business Management process. ESBM stands for "Energy Supplier Business Manager". It seamlessly interfaces to your Energy Market Operator and Distribution System Operator, as well as your Customers and your Accounting system.