The Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural (High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, ACIDI, I.P.) is the Project Coordinator. ACIDI, I.P. is a public institute under the indirect administration of the Portuguese State, possessing administrative autonomy. It is under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister. ACIDI, I.P.'s mission is to collaborate in the conception, implementation and evaluation of public policies, both cross-cutting and sector-specific, relevant for the integration of immigrants and ethnic minorities, as well as promoting dialogue between various cultures, ethnicities and religions. ACIDI, I.P.'s activities are based on the seven key principles of Equality, Dialogue, Citizenship, Hospitality, Interculturalism, Proximity and Initiative. The organisation provides information in order to promote immigrants' rights and fulfilment of duties, including information leaflets, local immigrant support centres and an information phoneline. ACIDI, I.P. also runs two National Immigrant Support Centres (CNAIs) in Lisbon and Porto, together with a branch in Faro, providing a number of State immigration services under one roof, as well as other support services for immigrants. Services are provided by socio-cultural mediators employed by Immigrant Associations through a partnership with ACIDI, I.P. ACIDI, I.P. also engages in outreach activities with immigrants. Within ACIDI, I.P. is also the Immigration Observatory, which promotes and funds research into immigration and integration, including publications and conferences. Also within the ambit of ACIDI, I.P.'s work is the production of television and radio programmes and advertising campaigns to inform public opinion on immigration and to promote interculturalism