Adapa Advisory provides strategic insights and pragmatic advice to help financial institutions enhance their business performance in the post trade and securities services arena.Strategic AdvisoryThe post trade and securities services area faces constant change through market development, technology advancement, flexible working models, regulation and many other factors. Through our combination of expertise, knowledge and experience Adapa Advisory helps clients achieve optimal solutions to these industry demands.Executive Resourcing and SearchGiven the demands of the market, innovation, changing business models and new approaches to resourcing the demand for talent is exceptional. Adapa Advisory works with partners to identify and attract individuals that can execute the business objectives of our clients.In terms of segments we focus on banks, asset managers, pension funds and market infrastructure as well as working with emerging and developed technology companies that are engaged or planning to engage in the post trade and securities services sector.In addition, we have strength and experience in working with organisations doing business into and out of Africa.We are currently located in the United Kingdom and South Africa.