Our Mission:We operate profitable hospitality businesses with passion and talent.Our Vision:At Northern Hospitality our care is genuine and extraordinary, and our expertise is compelling.Operating Philosophy:WE > meGuiding Principles:we CULTIVATE POTENTIALwe practice OPEN BOOK MANAGEMENTwe have a HIGH INVOLVEMENT CULTUREwe are a HIGH PERFORMING WORKFORCEwe are AUTHENTICwe REMAIN HUMBLEwe KEEP THINGS SIMPLEwe EMBRACE INNOVATIONwe are ENGAGEDwe LOVE WHAT WE DOWe want to work with people who embody these nine values:TeamworkHonestyPassionCourageInnovationCuriosityImpactCommunicationJudgementOur Objectives:Deliver a premium customer experience.Be the best place to work.Exceed budget expectations.Grow market share.Make a contribution and a difference in the community.