Co-Founder at Changshu RedSheep international trade Co., Ltd. - Suzhou Shi, Jiangsu Sheng, China
Now it is very convenient to import from China, but it is always difficult to find the right supplier, the right price and the right quality from more than 1000 similar suppliers of Alibaba, and it is always difficult to deliver at the right time.What we want to do is to do these troublesome things ourselves, use our experience to help customers, make our customers as convenient as possible, and make it easy for customers to do business, so if you have any business ideas, you are welcome to discuss with us at any time!Different from the general inspection company, who will only send you the inspection report, we can negotiate with the supplier on your behalf and help solve the quality problems, picture processing, transportation arrangement and so on before the goods are shipped.At the same time, we very much encourage customers to compare prices, and we also welcome customers to come to us with questions, which can keep us and our customers competitive.