Current groupware solutions were mostly built in the 90s. Why are yourtasks and calendar events not grouped together when both of them arethings you have to work on? Why can't you easily see what you have todo TODAY in a single place? Why are you afraid to come in the officeon Monday because of the list of tasks you have to manage? Why isanswering emails not seen as a task in most groupware systems?Conatus was created to build tools to help you manage your life andstop distrusting Mondays. Stop worrying about the events and tasks youhave to do in two weeks, focus on what you have to do TODAY!Conatus also believes in open standards. Most people talk about thefreedom of open source, but the most important thing is openstandards. If you can only open your calendar in a specificapplication because the data is proprietary, you're using the wrongdata. It's your data that is important, not the tools that you use!Most innovations in IT for the last 5 years have been in the consumerspace. Tools like DropBox, Facebook and Twitter were built for outsidethe enterprise. More and more people want to have this kind of toolsin their work places. The mission of Conatus is to bring easy-to-useconsumer-like applications into the small and medium business space.