Serving the industry since 1984, FleetSeek is part of Fleet Owner magazine's family of information products meeting the information needs of fleet operators and those who seek to reach them.\\FleetSeek is our state-of-the-art Internet search engine providing subscribers with 24/7 access to any and all of our seamlessly integrated databases of trucking fleets and operations headquartered in North America, a current total of about 400,000 listings from the United States and Canada.\\The FleetSeek product line includes:\\The National Motor Carrier Directory \The Private Fleet Directory \The Canadian Fleet Directory \The Owner-Operator Database \\Your FleetSeek subscription(s) offer you company name, mailing address, phone, fax, website, plus name and title of the decision maker in each fleet. Complete demographic information, to better apprise you of company size and operating characteristics, are also included. Among these items are number of trucks, tractors and trailers, the sum of power units, trailers by type, commodities transported and/or industries served, sic classifications, SCAC codes, gross vehicle weight classes, whether maintenance performed at facility listed, TL or LTL, carrier safety indicators (CSA BASIC measures), and more. Also, insurance effective dates are provided, along with coverage for cargo, BI&PD, and bonds, if applicable. \\For more details on each of the FleetSeek products, please visit or call 888-665-9887.